Our affiliated business members are advertised in our quartlery publications and support our annual activities such as ram sale, ewe sale, and educational programming. They are essential to our outreach programming as an Association.
WWGA Affiliated Business Member
Please join and support the Wyoming Wool Growers Association. Anyone who is engaged in the production of sheep, goats, or livestock, either directly or indirectly, is eligible for membership in the Association upon payment of the prescribed dues. Membership is also available to any person or entity committed to supporting the purposes and objectives of the Association. Our priority is good communication and interaction with our members. Members receive timely updates containing news of the Association, industry activities and state and federal issues of importance to sheep producers. We also offer WY Sheep, a quarterly publication dedicated to sharing the latest research related to the production of sheep. Our website (www.wyowool.com), Facebook page (Wyoming Wool Growers) and Twitter (@wyowool) are updated regularly and are great ways to keep up with what we are doing. Additionally, members may participate in WWGA activities and consign rams in the Wyoming State Ram Sale. We estimate that a portion of members’ dues are used for lobbying purposes and may not be tax deductible. For details, please contact the WWGA office.