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3rd Annual
Wyoming Select
Bred Ewe Sale

February 22nd, 2025 - 1 pm
Barn 3 at the Cam-Plex - Gillette, WY

Lamb Lunch- 11:30 am
Prior to the Sale in Barn 3



Wyoming Select Bred Ewe Sale

Another Chance at The BEST in the WEST

The Wyoming Wool Growers conducts one of the premier Ram Sales in the region. We are excited to bring you a second opportunity at stellar genetics with the 3rd Annual Wyoming Select Bred Ewe Sale which will be held on February 22, 2025 in Barn 3 at the Cam-Plex in Gillette, WY. The sale will be broadcast live online. Please register at least 24 hours before the sale. The link will be made available no later than 2 weeks prior to the sale date.  

The Wyoming Select Bred Ewe sale offers the highest quality range, commercial, and purebred ewes. The WWGAs Wyoming Select Bred Ewe Sale, offers open ewe lambs and yearlings, as well as bred two year olds, running age, and broken-mouthed ewes. Purebred ewes might be available, but all papers are exchanged between buyer and seller.

All ewes will be confirmed pregnant the day prior to the sale with the exception of open ewe lambs and yearling ewes. Ewes will be strictly sifted based on eyes, mouths, teeth (where age appropriate), udders, teats, body, legs, etc. Sifting is conducted by a panel of notable western sheep producers and knowledgeable veterinarians. It is our intention that all ewes meet the highest quality standards for which the Wyoming Select Bred Ewe Sale will be noted.

While the Select Bred Ewe Sale is about the business of transferring genetics
within the sheep industry, it is also a time when sheep producers get
together to visit, discuss the industry, and renew old, and make new,
acquaintances. We want to encourage everyone to attend the lamb lunch at 11:30 am on the day of the sale and talk to the WWGA representatives about becoming a member, especially if you are a new producer purchasing ewes. We have a membership that affords you the opportunity at mentorship with your peers and experience sheep producers.


The two days spent in Gillette are intended to be fulfilling,
informative and fun, and we hope to meet those goals each year!

Only the healthiest, highest quality ewes from some of the nation’s premier
breeders will be accepted for the sale, assuring buyers that our ewes are
truly the 

2025 Sale Flyer and Consignment

Ewe Sale Flyer 1.png
Ewe Sale FLyer 2.png


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