Welcome to the Wyoming Wool Growers Association
The mission of the WWGA is to assist or support its members in any appropriate activity that would benefit them in the business of sheep, lamb and wool, goat or livestock production in the state of Wyoming and in the management and enhancement of Wyoming’s natural resource base. In furtherance of this mission, the following are the stated objectives of the WWGA:
a) To protect, preserve, promote and enhance the sheep, lamb, wool, goat and livestock industries of Wyoming, as well as the ranching communities and lifestyle of Wyoming and the West.
b) To care for, enhance and add value to the natural resources of the state of Wyoming.
Our Services

Ram & Bred Ewe Sales
The Wyoming State Ram and Select Bred Ewe Sales offer the highest quality rams and ewes meeting some of the most rigorous standards of any sale in the country. These sales offer rams and ewes ideal for range, small flocks, or other regions.

Ram Sire Test
Each year the WWGA offers a white face ram sire test designed to provide producers with information on key genetic traits of their animals.
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The WWGA is a membership Association. Any person or entity committed to supporting the purposes and objectives of the WWGA and who is interested or engaged, either directly or indirectly, in the production of sheep, wool, goats or livestock is eligible for membership upon payment of the prescribed dues. The WWGA has multiple membership options available.
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Our Location